Agenda and Minutes (2017-2018 AY through 2023-2024 AY)

The meeting agenda and minutes below are for historical purposes only. They include agenda, minutes, and documents for meetings held between the 2017-2018 Academic Year through the 2023-2024 Academic Year when the Graduate Council operated independently of the Faculty Senate. Beginning in the 2024-2025 Academic Year, the Graduate Council was renamed the Graduate Faculty Cabinet and is part of the University's Faculty Senate structure. Meeting agendas and minutes can be found on the Faculty Senate Graduate Faculty Cabinet webpage for the 2024-2025 Academic Year forward.


Date Agendas Minutes Attachments
2023-2024 AY   
Mon, April 29, 2024Agenda 

Guidelines for Paying Graduate Students for Duties Performed

Hourly Work for Grads - Draft Handbook Language

Hourly Work for Grads - Flowchart, Draft 1

Report from Grad Council Working Group on Hourly Work for Graduate Students

Thurs, January 25, 2024AgendaMinutes 
Thurs, November 30, 2023AgendaMinutes 
Thurs, October 26, 2023AgendaMinutes

Hourly Work for Graduate Assistants - GIS certificate student data

Restructuring Graduate Council proposal

Restructuring Graduate Council 10-26-2023 track changes

Thurs, September 28, 2023AgendaMinutesTask Force for Use and Ownership of Educational Materials: DRAFT Policy and Chart. Track change versions: DRAFT Policy & Chart
Thurs, August 24, 2023AgendaMinutes 
2022-2023 AY   
Wed, April 26, 2023AgendaMinutes

Task Force for Use & Ownership of Educational Materials: Policy and Chart

Courses taken as an undergraduate at ISU not permitted on graduate certificates

Handbook Fee Statement (Ch. 3)

Wed, March 22, 2023AgendaMinutes

M.S. Naming Feedback - Combined (redacted)

M.S. Naming Feedback Table (by Division and Academic College)

Report from Student Well-Being Committee

M.S. coursework-only policy implications

Wed, February 15, 2023 Agenda Minutes

M.S. Naming Feedback - Combined (redacted)

M.S. Naming Feedback Table (by Division and Academic College)

Report from Student Well-Being Committee

Wed, January 18, 2023AgendaMinutes

6.3.2. Courses Taken as an ISU Undergraduate edits

Procedure/Policy for appointing current graduate faculty to majors

Dissertation/Thesis/Creative Component Language in the GC Handbook - removed 4.4.2. additions and looking for approval for 7.1.5. and 7.1.6. additions

Graduate Transcript Enhancements with Workday Student

Graduate minor policy and routing issues in Workday

Wed, December 14, 2022AgendaMinutes

6.3.2. Courses Taken as an ISU Undergraduate subcommittee revisions - up for vote

Dissertation/Thesis/Creative Component Language in the GC Handbook

Procedure/Policy for appointing current graduate faculty to majors

Master's Degrees: Naming and Curricula

Wed, November 16, 2022AgendaMinutes

6.3.2. Courses Taken as an ISU Undergraduate subcommittee revisions

M.S. coursework only

Dissertation/Thesis/Creative Component Language in the GC Handbook

Wed, October 26, 2022AgendaMinutes

Institution Comparison for Credit Requirements (UG/G)

Wed, September 28, 2022AgendaMinutes

Communications Assignments

6.3.2 Graduate Courses Taken as an ISU Undergraduate: Option 1 and Option 2 policy proposals and 6.3.2 Policy Revisions (Graves amendment) (3rd review)

MS in COM S Coursework Only Proposal (3rd reading with revisions based on GCCC and Council feedback from last AY)

Procedure/Policy for appointing current graduate faculty to majors

Dissertation/Thesis/Creative Component Language in the GC Handbook

Wed, August 31, 2022AgendaMinutesGraduate Council Governance and Responsibilities
2021-2022 AY   
Wed, April 20, 2022AgendaMinutes

Documenting and Archiving Graduate Handbook Changes

6.3.2 Policy Revisions (Graves amendment)

MS in COM S Coursework Only Proposal (2nd reading with revisions based on GCCC and Council feedback)

Wed, March 23, 2022AgendaMinutes

Graduate Minors Survey Results

Graduate Minors language proposal (up for vote - passed)

6.3.2 Graduate Courses Taken as an ISU Undergraduate: Option 1 and Option 2 policy proposals (2nd review); Comparing GC policies that combine undergrad/grad student status and courses

Wed, February 16, 2022AgendaMinutes

Graduate Tuition Scholarship Policy - McKilligan update regarding terminal master's degrees

Graduate Minors Survey Results as of Feb. 9, 2022

6.3.2 Graduate Courses Taken as an ISU Undergraduate: Option 1 and Option 2 policy proposals (1st review)

Draft Handbook language -Injuries on campus

Wed, January 19, 2022AgendaMinutes

Graduate Tuition Scholarship Policy - Haddad update

Ch.5.1.1 Graduate Courses language proposal (up for vote - passed)

Graduate Minors language proposal (up for vote - not voted on)

6.3.2 Graduate Courses Taken as an ISU Undergraduate (up for vote - not voted on)

Draft Handbook language -Injuries on campus

Wed, December 15, 2021AgendaMinutes

Ch.5.1.1 Graduate Courses language proposal 

Admissions Policy Document: Handbook Revision Proposal (up for possible vote)

Graduate Minors language proposal (updated)

5.1.2 Undergraduate-Level Courses Taken as a Graduate Student on Program of Study enforcement and 6.3.2 Graduate Courses Taken as an ISU Undergraduate


"Concurrent" degrees (WD)

Coursework-only degree advisors (WD)

Wed, November 17, 2021AgendaMinutes

Graduate Tuition Scholarship Policy

Admissions Policy Document: Handbook Revision Proposal

Graduate Minors

Ch.5.1.1 Graduate Courses definition (WD)

Graduate Program Curriculum Changes (WD)

"Concurrent" degrees (WD)

Wed, October 20, 2021AgendaMinutes

Remote Defense Proposal - up for vote

Best Practices for Remote Defenses - up for vote

Enrollment and Registration Policy Document - up for vote

Graduate Tuition Scholarship Policy

Admissions Policy Document: Handbook Revision Proposal

Third Thesis/Dissertation Template Proposal

Wed, September 15, 2021AgendaMinutes


Remote Defense Proposal and Research of Peer Institutions

Faculty/Staff/DOGEs Dissertation/Thesis Survey

Graduate Student Dissertation/Thesis Survey

Associate Graduate Faculty requesting Full Membership

Graduate Tuition Scholarship Policy

Enrollment and Registration Policy Document

Wed, August 25, 2021AgendaMinutes


Graduate Council Year in Review 2020-2021

2020-2021 AY   
Wed, April 21, 2021AgendaMinutes


Thesis/Dissertation WorkGroup Updates

Wed, March 24, 2021AgendaMinutes


Appendix C revisions - Certificate Programs

Recruitment DOGE Survey Draft

Appendix G revisions - Graduate Faculty Membership

WorkDay Student Update

Wed, Feb. 17, 2021Vote via QualtricsMeeting Cancelled 
Wed, Jan. 20, 2021AgendaMinutes


Distance Tuition Memo

Wed, Dec. 16, 2020AgendaMinutes


Modification to Procedures for Graduate Faculty Associate Membership

Wed, Nov. 18, 2020Vote via QualtricsMeeting CancelledProposed Modification to Procedures for Graduate Faculty Associate Membership
Wed, Oct. 21, 2020AgendaMinutes


Proposed Modification to Procedures for Graduate Faculty Associate Membership

American Council on Education Summary and Talking Points on Duration of Status (D/S) Proposed Rule

Wed, Sept. 16, 2020AgendaMinutes


Proposed Modification to Procedures for Graduate Faculty Associate Membership

Wed, Aug. 26, 2020AgendaMinutes


Graduate Council Policy Changes 2019-2020

2019-2020 AY   
Wed, April 15, 2020AgendaMinutes


MFA Expiration Policy

Postdoc Contact Person

Wed, March 25, 2020AgendaMinutes


EDD Handbook

EDD Regents Proposal

Change to associate graduate faculty status

Wed, Feb 19, 2020AgendaMinutes


Postdoc Contact Person

EDD Committee Member Requirement

MPP Expired Course Waiver

Arrival of New Child Change

Wed, Jan 22, 2020AgendaMinutes

Postdoc Dismissal due to loss of funding

Changes to POSC and Prelim Exam Deadline

Use of undergradute credit on POSC

Arrival of New Child Change


Wed, Nov 20, 2019AgendaMinutes

Postdoc Dissmal due to loss of funding addition

Proposal for Double Counting undergadute credit change

Proposal to change length of time between Preliminary Exam and POSC completion


Wed, Oct 16, 2019AgendaMinutes

International Travel Policy

International Travel Policy FAQ

International Travel Insurance Website

Wed, Sept 18, 2019AgendaMinutesEnrollment & Recruitment information from Dean Graves
Wed, Aug 28, 2019AgendaMinutesDraft - Articulation and assessment of graduate student outcomes
2018-2019 AY   
Wed, Apr 17, 2019AgendaMinutes 
Wed, Mar 27, 2019AgendaMinutes 
Wed, Feb 20, 2019AgendaMinutes 
Wed, Jan 16, 2019AgendaMinutesAssessing Graduate Student OutcomesMajor Professor proposal
Wed, Dec 5, 2018AgendaMinutes 
Wed, Nov 14, 2018AgendaMinutes 
Wed, Oct 17, 2018AgendaMinutes 
Wed, Sept 19, 2018AgendaMinutes 
Wed, Aug 29, 2018AgendaMinutes 
2017-2018 AY   
Wed, Apr. 19, 2017   Minutes Powerpoint
Wed, Aug 30, 2017 Agenda Minutes


Wed, Sept 20, 2017 Agenda Minutes Powerpoint
Wed, Oct 18, 2017 Agenda Minutes Powerpoint
Wed, Nov 15, 2017 Agenda Minutes Powerpoint
Wed, Dec 6, 2017 Agenda Minutes Powerpoint
Wed, Jan 17, 2018AgendaMinutesPowerpoint
Wed, Feb 21, 2018AgendaMinutesPowerpoint
Wed, Mar 21, 2018AgendaMinutesPowerpoint
Wed, Apr 18, 2018AgendaMinutesPowerpoint